Carto Things

Oscilloscope Joy

Today I saw a Reddit post where someone had hand-traced some elevation profiles across South Africa. I thought it looked rather similar to the iconic Joy Division album cover that give Joy Plots their name, so I decided to give making a nicer map (to me) a go. Since I have the SRTM DEM for […]


In Memoriam – Maarten de Wit

On 15 April 2020, one of the most inspiring people that I have known in person passed away in his sleep. That was Prof Maarten de Wit. I have known him for the last few years, since I started doing postgraduate work at Nelson Mandela University. Ironically enough, he first came to my attention in […]

Open* Software Stuff Uncategorized

Graticules in QGIS

A question came up recently on the Spatial Community slack about getting graticules for a map in a QGIS layout. This is a quick overview of making these visible. If there are unclear or otherwise problematic sections to the below, please let me know. This newly-created grid needs to be modified to be visible and […]

Software Stuff

(Ab)Using themes in QGIS to make an atlas

Recently I needed to generate a number of maps of the same place, but with different raster data for map. Given that I had way too many for me to want to manually manage each raster layer, I asked for a different approach on the Spatial Community Slack, and this is what was suggested: Create […]


Stealing John Nelson’s Imhof-Inspired Style

Recently, because I like cartography stuff, I have been seeing a blogpost by John Nelson at ESRI about a very pretty style that he developed. It is inspired by the style of Eduard Imhof. John’s style is developed for ArcGIS Pro. I, on the other hand, use QGIS. At its heart, the style is pretty […]

Open* Software Stuff

QGIS Nightly Install – Windows

For my own reference, as much as anything else, how to install the latest nightly for QGIS on Windows using the OSGeo4W installer. Download the OSGeo4W for your version of Windowsfrom the QGIS Website. For me I ended up getting and running osgeo4w-setup-x86_64.exe. From here, the following is a step-by-step guide: Select Advanced Install. Choose […]

Open Data Tech


Something that I have idly been pondering for a few weeks now has to do with the renaming of streets. Durban, the most populous city in KwaZulu-Natal has renamed a lot of them in the last decade or so. Since I mentioned it obliquely on Twitter (1, 2) earlier, I thought I would write it […]

MSc Open Data

AfricaArray Field School – Day 19 – Final Presentations and Celebrations

To finish off the field school, everyone gave a presentation. The geophysics groups gave one on a particular scientific question, while the geochem people talked about what they had been up to. These were generally pretty cool, especially the geochem. This was mostly because I had no real idea what they had been up to, […]

Geology MSc

AfricaArray Field School – Day 18 – MeerCAT Ladies and (even more) processing

This morning we had a very interesting talk from two consulting geophysicists, who formed a company named MeerCAT. (I can not find a website for some reason, but will try and add it if I come across it. The closest I have is a (LinkedIn profile)[].) Something slightly unusual about this consulting company is that […]

Geology MSc

AfricaArray Field School – Day 16-17 – GPR, UNESCO and processing

Day 16 – GPR, or mowing the pavement. This morning was an interesting overview of the uses and limitations of ground-penetrating radar (GPR), which looks like a really useful tool. This was given by (Red Dog Scientific Services)[]. I can think of a couple times it would have been useful for the geotech work I […]