
Farmhouse cookies

I made these the other day as a replacement for my choc chunk cookies half of which I had promised to give away. I didn’t have my camera that day, and proceeded to scoff them down before I got a chance to take photos so apologies on the lack of pictures. Ill add some the next time I make some 🙂

These are very similar to the Peanut butter oat choc chunk cookies I made the other day. These actually require muesli but as I am not a muesli eater I decided to just use quick oats, on the other hand this recipe has raisins and I adore cooked raisins (best part of bread pudding!). They came out extremely crumbly so i suspect I may of been a little stingy with either the butter or sugar, will have to experiment to see which it is.. Also this is the first recipe on here to actually come from my multitude of cookbooks and not the internet. Specifically they are the first recipe in 500 Cakes and Bakes a lovely book I was given for Xmas by martin’s family/mother 2 years ago. Also for someone who rarely makes cookies I surely seem to be making them a hell of a lot.. They are a lot less effort then most cakes so I suppose for someone who is suppose to be writing her thesis, not baking it makes sense..

Farmhouse Cookies

115g Butter (room temp)

100g light brown sugar

65g peanut butter

1 egg

50g plain flour

1/2tsp baking powder

1tsp cinnamon

1/4tsp salt

175g Quick oats (or muesli)

50g raisins

50g walnuts (chopped)

Cream the butter and sugar together intill light and fluffy. Beat in the peanut butter and then the egg. Add the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and salt to the peanut butter mixture. Stir in the oats, raisins and walnuts. Drop rounded spoonfulls on a greased baking tray or covered with baking paper and press with the back of a spoon to flatten into circles. Bake for about 13 minutes or till lightly coloured. Leave to cool on a metal rack.

Bake at 180 degrees Celsius.